Have you ever felt like you are not being heard?

The great leaders of our time have had the ability to get a populace enthused about the future, but our great leaders have rarely come from the corporate world. It’s because emphasis hasn’t been placed on the development of strategic narratives until recently. On the flip side, statistics show those companies with strong narratives – Starbucks, Alcoa, Walmart – have the most engaged employees. The difference between a merely satisfied and a fully engaged employee? As it turns out, 100%. You can’t do much better than that.


Lessons Learned From Working From Home For The Past 5 Years

The great leaders of our time have had the ability to get a populace enthused about the future, but our great leaders have rarely come from the corporate world. It’s because emphasis hasn’t been placed on the development of strategic narratives until recently. On the flip side, statistics show those companies with strong narratives – Starbucks, Alcoa, Walmart – have the most engaged employees. The difference between a merely satisfied and a fully engaged employee? As it turns out, 100%. You can’t do much better than that.


The #1 Engagement Tool that Top Companies are Using

The great leaders of our time have had the ability to get a populace enthused about the future, but our great leaders have rarely come from the corporate world. It’s because emphasis hasn’t been placed on the development of strategic narratives until recently. On the flip side, statistics show those companies with strong narratives – Starbucks, Alcoa, Walmart – have the most engaged employees. The difference between a merely satisfied and a fully engaged employee? As it turns out, 100%. You can’t do much better than that.


What to Focus on When You Get the Dreaded Feedback Report

While it may be human nature to focus on the negative in a 360 evaluation of your management, studies show the most important information is in where you scored well. Your board wants a healthier bottom line while your team needs a continuously advancing an evolving leader. Finding an expert to help you interpret the data and create a strategy for positive change has resulted in double-digit increases in both performance and profit, according to Gallup.
