Among other things, they were put through a rigorous test.
They were challenged to take on an extreme diet where they cut out every single trace of sugar. So intense that, if by day 3, they weren’t in agonizing despair from the body’s withdrawal of sugar, they were fired.
That’s intense.
Why were they all given this same diet? Well, for one, athletes’ performance is a function of their physical health, and sugar is a killer for your body. But more specifically, it was a requirement of the other thing they all had in common.
So the better question isn’t what do they have in common, but rather, who?
And the ‘who’ is a man named Tim Grover.
Tim Grover is considered one of the best coaches in history. He has coached the world’s most prolific athletes.
But it doesn’t matter what sport they play because Tim isn’t really a “sport specific coach”.
Tim coaches their mind primarily.
To toughen it.
To be relentless.
To win.
What these top athletes understand that most corporate executives don’t is that you never begin the coaching when you’re struggling.
Coaching isn’t for remediation. [It’s also not to cover your liable butt and ensure you don’t get sued when you let someone go. (Three decades of HR work)].
The best executives in the world know what top athletes have been doing since the dawn of time; you hire a coach when you’re already killing it and want to win bigger.
See, coaching isn’t just about fixing what’s broken; it’s about amplifying what’s already working.
It’s about taking your game to the next level, just like Tim Grover only and exclusively works with athletes who are already at the top of their game.
This is true for the clients who come to Whole Leadership Systems as well.
It was true for me too.
I’ve seen the power of coaching firsthand. It’s what propelled me to the upper levels of the corporate world early in my career.
And here’s a little secret: Executive coaching was born from the world of athletics.
If you want to be a world-class athlete, you hire a coach.
If you want to be a leader who leaves a legacy, who takes no excuses, and who gets stuff done, you hire us.
So keep your eyes peeled over the next few days. We’ve got something game-changing in the works—a brand-new offering designed to equip you with the tools to handle objections like a pro. Trust me, you won’t want to miss it.
You’ve got this!
With love,
Mari Carmen