Hey, fun fact – I actually started out in the fitness world as a personal trainer!
It all began when I returned to Puerto Rico after being away for years.
Picture this:
I walk into this huge glassy lobby of a massive corporation, and I’m like, ‘Whoa, that ceiling is sky-high!’ That’s when I got hooked on the whole corporate scene. I felt like my path was leading straight to the top, even though I wasn’t quite sure how.
There was just something inside me that lit up and kept me moving forward till today.
I still can’t figure out why climbing the corporate ladder fascinated me so much, but one thing’s for sure – it’s all about persuasion and influence. Those who make it big in leadership have nailed down the art of getting people on board.
So, let’s talk about today’s big lesson: Be real without sugar-coating things.
It’s not about being cold and hurting feelings or walking over eggshells with words.
Influential leaders know that truth wins. When we embrace honesty – whether inspiring, difficult, or tricky – we can craft messages that hit home.
Think about your day-to-day situations – are you holding back the truth to protect someone? I invite you to see it differently and explore seeing the truth as a shared victory. Wouldn’t you like others to tell you 100% of the truth?
When you use the truth in your persuasive messages, you can inspire everyone involved to take new actions.
You’ve got this!
With love,
Mari Carmen