Nine Secrets Of Exceptionally Persuasive Leaders

The best persuasion strategies work in any situation, whether you’re persuading your boss to fund your project or give you a promotion or you’re persuading your teenager to take out the trash. Persuasion is an essential leadership skill that’s instrumental to your success. To up your persuasion game, read Mari Carmen’s “9 Secrets of Exceptionally Persuasive Leaders” published by

Gratitude as a competitive leadership advantage?

For a moment: forget any schooling, corporate training, sacrifice, and all of what brought you to where you are today as a leader.
Have you ever just sat for a moment and thought about how lucky you are to even be on this Earth? It’s crazy to think about, but the odds of your unique blend of DNA even existing is less than winning the lottery while being struck by lightning!


Imagine the high school teen who has it all. We all know her. She’s the valedictorian, student body president, and when she shows up to parties, everyone knows her name.

It’s easy to imagine that she’s sure to be the real game-changer of the future. We compare her high school success to our own (or lack thereof) and are tempted to believe that we’ll never measure up. If the popular teens are destined for the limelight, will unpopular teens always have to stand in the shadow?

Have you ever felt you should be further along in your career?

The great leaders of our time have had the ability to get a populace enthused about the future, but our great leaders have rarely come from the corporate world. It’s because emphasis hasn’t been placed on the development of strategic narratives until recently. On the flip side, statistics show those companies with strong narratives – Starbucks, Alcoa, Walmart – have the most engaged employees. The difference between a merely satisfied and a fully engaged employee? As it turns out, 100%. You can’t do much better than that.