Warren Buffet had the same personal pilot for years.
One day, he stepped onto his plane and said to his pilot, “You’ve been working for me for way too long. You’re too good at what you do. What do you want to do next?”
He sat his pilot down and asked him to come up with a list of the top ten things that he wanted to do next.
“Now circle the top three most important.” Warren instructed.
The pilot circled three and then asked, “So, should I focus my time first on those three and in the time left over, focus on the rest, right?”
“Wrong.” Replied Warren. “The other seven just became your ‘avoid at all costs list.’”
“Most of us are killing our productivity by not having a clear sense of our genuine priorities and what should be on the ‘avoid at all costs’ list.
Think about the ten most important things at work. Sort them in order.
Now, think about putting seven of them on your ‘avoid at all costs’ list.
That is the kind of devotion and ruthlessness required to liberate your time and make the impact you desire.
Most people operate on the principle that everything that shows up needs to get done, and their productivity is about figuring out which tasks to do first.
But truly productive leaders understand which ones don’t need to be done at all. And which ones should be done by someone else.
And they have the courage to follow through on that.
The “let’s cram more projects in less time” mentality is one of the productivity myths we’re busting over the next eight weeks.
Every Monday for the next eight weeks, we will break down the 8 biggest productivity myths, live on our Leveraged Lunch Hour on Instagram.
We’re also offering a game-changing course on January 19th called Get Sh*t Done that will take you deep into codependent behaviors at work and the situational strategies to overcome it so that you can …Get Sh*t Done.
$97. See you there.
With love,
Mari Carmen