Imagine the high school teen who has it all. We all know her. She’s the valedictorian, student body president, and when she shows up to parties, everyone knows her name.

It’s easy to imagine that she’s sure to be the real game-changer of the future. We compare her high school success to our own (or lack thereof) and are tempted to believe that we’ll never measure up. If the popular teens are destined for the limelight, will unpopular teens always have to stand in the shadow?

How to Be Persuasive Even When Working Virtually

The biggest set back for me was the belief that I would not be able to create the same level of connection as I could in an in person-environment. And that fear almost got in the way of me delivering a powerful “virtual” message. Thoughts such as “do I wear makeup?”, “how about lighting?”, “it’s easy for men, they always look good!”, and “will I come across credible or too aggressive?” I almost held myself back.

I’m Smart So Why Haven’t I Been Promoted To a Leadership Role Yet?

You probably knew them all the way back to grade school, you see them everyday in video conference calls (that is, if they show their face) are still dealing with them in your personal life, and are resigned to humoring them until the day you leave this life: The people who, while “book smart”, just don’t “get it.”